Transitioning from high school to college can be tough. The academic system is vastly different, and college introduces a new wave of responsibilities that can be overwhelming for someone who has just finished high school.
Throughout history, art has been a powerful way of sharing and appreciating culture. Islamic art represents how art can travel worldwide and inspire other cultures, being recognized for its beauty, creativity, and influence.
Many people use the start of the new year to improve themselves. Some decide to work out and get healthy, others set goals to learn a new hobby or spend time with family. Using the New Year is a good way to feel like you are starting fresh and motivates you to pursue your goals.
We are currently in that time of year when the holidays are on people’s minds. Christmas lights brighten the neighborhood at night, holiday specials are plentiful on TV, and even advertisements adopt Christmas themes.
As Thanksgiving nears, it is crucial to recognize the importance of expressing gratitude for things in your life. Though not a significant holiday in Islam, Muslims are encouraged to give thanks to both God and other people regularly.
The Internet has made its way into many homes and schools through online learning and class work. Most schools nowadays require students to have an email or social media account to enable online learning, whether in a classroom or at home.
Working out has positive benefits that come in many forms. You might think that working out is limited to going to the gym or owning expensive gym equipment, but even something simple like walking your kids to school every day or cycling can be enough.