“And Allah sets forth an example for the believers… (the example of) Mary, the daughter of ‘Imran, who guarded her chastity, so We breathed into her (womb) through Our angel (Gabriel). She testified to the words of her Lord and His Scriptures and was one of the sincerely devout.”
Single motherhood is becoming a norm. In 2021 the US Census Bureau reported that close to 80 percent of single parent households in the US are headed by single mothers. Statistics aside, single moms have a huge task ahead of them.
Every year on the first Tuesday in the month of August, Americans gather for the National Night Out. The goal of National Night Out is to connect common concerns between everyday citizens and their neighbors and strengthen relations with local law enforcement. It is traditionally obse
A marriage and a possible divorce involve more people than just the two spouses. Divorce is a difficult time for the entire family. It affects children, parents, and extended family.
Little Bear, the main character in The Luckiest Child: Becoming a Blended Family, is worried and sad about what Papa Bear announced during dinner one night. There was a new addition coming to their small family – a step-mama Bear!
Marriage is a sunnah among the other sunnahs of Allah, The Most Glorified, The Most High. A sunnah of creating and establishing family. While many Muslims enter a marriage with the right intention, it is a fact that no marriage is perfect and all couples experience friction.