From the moment children begin regular schooling, parents often worry about their academic careers. One major way parents gauge a child’s academic resilience is through the homework they complete.
For parents seeking opportunities to serve their community with their children, finding a purpose-driven activity that fosters camaraderie and skill-building can be challenging.
Does life ever seem to play out unfairly for you? Does it often feel like the walls are closing in on you and you can’t get out of a situation? Or that everything that is bad is only happening to you?
Did you know that the longest-lasting blood relationship is that of your siblings? They outlive your parents, aunts, uncles, and even your spouse in some cases.
Ever catch yourself reprimanding your children in the same style as your mother? Or cracking jokes and wrestling with your kids just like your dad did? Sometimes you might even find yourself using the same strict tone your grandfather might have used with you as a kid.
Some of our best memories from childhood are playing outside with our siblings and friends. It may have looked like playing made-up games in the park, hitting or kicking a ball in the alleyway, or even playing in the dirt in your backyard.
Haven't spoken to your friend in a long time? Had a bad fallout with a family member recently? Perhaps the standoff between you and the other person compels you to not patch things up with them again for a long time or even forever. And why not?