I have always been interested in politics. The strategy, the game, and the morals behind it. Because of this, I’ve enjoyed advocating and speaking on behalf of what’s right.
Below is a list of ways to get kids more connected with nature. By no means is it exhaustive but inshaAllah it can help kickstart some quality family time and reconnecting for the sake of Allah.
So much of our lives are spent indoors under artificial lights, glued to blue-lit screens, and racing around according to manufactured schedules under the guise of productivity.
Islam significantly highlights the importance of environmental protection and conservation of natural resources in its teachings. The very basic elements of nature – land, water, fire, forest, and light – belong to all living things, not just human beings.
Teachers go into education without much expectation from the student’s side. But, they’re human too, they want to feel appreciated as well. It's no easy job to be a teacher. They want to know that their efforts are not going to waste.
It’s been over 1400 years since our Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, taught us how to love Allah, follow Islam and be strong in our faith. But with each passing generation, we as Muslims are getting a little bit weaker in our faith and more distracted in the world.
Muslim teachers who provide Islamic education at a full-time or weekend school initiative are invaluable members of the “village” that is engaged in raising Muslim children.