As we deal with yet another mutation of the Covid-19 virus, and the vaccine hesitancy or defiance from fellow citizens to help curb the spread, we realize that we may have yet another winter of limited contact with human beings. Isolation has a negative connotation, but it does not have to.
While many like to travel during this time, the benefit of a staycation remains, not just in terms of safety from illness, as well as affordability, but also as a way to build spirituality.
As individuals, when we think about our responsibilities, they often revolve around things directly related to us, like our families, jobs or our studies. But are we aware that Allah has given us another duty as well? This responsibility concerns the entire well-being of the Earth we live in.
How often is it that we find ourselves and our children to be wanting something out of a strong impulse or an urge, rather than there actually being a need for it in our lives?
Thanksgiving is presented as a holiday for families to gather and be thankful. Its history and relevance to Indigenous people is one of colonization and genocide.