A December 2019 Gallup poll found that the percentage of Americans who describe their Christmas celebrations as "strongly religious" has dropped to 35 percent. This is down from about half in previous measures in 2005 and 2010. Nonetheless, Christmas is celebrated by over 90 percent of Americans, which commemorates the birth of Prophet Jesus, God’s peace be upon him.
He is the central figure of Christianity, the religion of the European settlers who came to the U.S., and whose influence has defined American culture for over two centuries. What few Americans know is that he is important in Islam as well.
Here are 10 key things to know about Jesus in Islam:
- Jesus is considered a Prophet and Messenger of the One, All-Powerful God. Muslims offer words of prayer after saying his name, as they do for other Prophets and Messengers. In English, the phrase “peace be upon him” is a prayer seeking God’s peace for the Prophet being spoken of.
- Muslims love Jesus. We also love Abraham, Moses, and Noah, to name just a few other Prophets Muslims revere. May God's peace be upon all of these great Messengers of God.
- Muslims also love the mother of Jesus, Mary. We believe she was a pious and noble woman chosen over all of the women of the world. The 19th chapter of the Quran is named after her.
- Muslims believe that Jesus was born miraculously of a virgin mother and no father. His birth is miraculous like the birth of Prophet Adam, the first human being, who was created with neither mother nor father (Quran 3:59).
- Muslims do not believe that Jesus was the son of God (Quran 5:116). God is so Powerful and Self-Sufficient that He does not need a son or any kind of partner.
- In the Arabic Bible the name for God is “Allah”. Arab Christians call God “Allah”, as Muslims do. Prophet Jesus is called “Eesa” in Arabic (sometimes spelled “Isa” or “Eissa” in English).
- Jesus did not die on the cross. Rather, God saved him from his enemies and it was made to appear that he was killed (Quran 4:157). He was raised to Heaven.
- Jesus performed miracles by the Will of God, like healing the blind and those with leprosy (Quran 3:49).
- Jesus prayed to the same All-Powerful One God as all of the Prophets who preceded and succeeded him.
- Jesus will return before the end of the world.
Yashua didn't celebrate XMAS nor EASTER.. Smh! And nor did any of the APOSTLES teach the new Christians that.. Nor easter either. Saturday is the sabbath.. What book u READING FROM.. 👀
Christian is Paul's religion and so is praying to the Roman death penalty. My Jesus my way to God is nothing like that he prayed like Muslims. He said Sholaam and Muslims say salaam and most Christian don't know what it means
I believe what you say about
I believe what you say about our god the god of love
I think it seem like they both believe in the same god and the jesus part i think they got that part right who knows maybe he is not the son of god but rather a messenger of god . is kinda funny if jesus was the son of god than who is god wife , mary , which was a human .. See. Is funny that we Christian claim we got it rite yet we are confusing ourselves.
Remember that God can see
Remember that God can see without eye,hear without ear,so its possible that he can have a son without a wife
Same God?
By your same argument, Jews also do not worship same God, in contradiction to your own scripture. To believe someone has misunderstood nature of God, is not equivalent to saying they worship a different God.
The ones calling them selves Jews, came out of BABALYON.. along with XMAS.. and other nonsense.. Also they inter married with the TRIBE OF JUDA! and this us WHY when Yashua spoke to them they were at odds with him especially about the SABBATH! which was made for mankind.. Not just his people.. We. Are commaded todo good on the SABBATH! YASHUA HEAD ON THE SABBATH! o! Jews not ETHNIC REAL JUDEANS! beings that they were BLACK.. like Paul who was from thevTRIBE of BENJAMIN. and was mistaken for an EGYPTIAN when he was in 🇫🇷FRANCE and the first person Paul preached to was a, BLACK ETHEOPIAN! pay attention u gentiles!! 👀👑🌍🇺🇸🇪🇬
Reg - Same God
Hi brother
Its not same god but one god its one and only allah by the Jews and christian brothers were worshipping messenger of Allah They were our prophets we believe on them. - Thanks
Very realistic and positive comment. We all believe in same one God. What is the name of that God and how we understand God is the difference
I liked your comment
Very realistic and positive comment. We all believe in same one God. What is the name of that God and how we understand God is the difference
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