The lists of Halal and Haram food below have been taken with permission from the book 'Islamic Dietary Laws and Practices by Mohammad Mazhar Hussaini and M S Ahmad Hussein Sakr, Ph.D .
It should be noted that a product being imported from a Muslim country is not necessarily a guarantee that it is completely Halal. In fact, food is often imported from abroad into Muslim countries without proper checking of ingredients.
An alphabetical list of Halal and Haram ingredients to look out for:
Bacon: A side of pig meat (pork).
Choletsorol: type of fat always of animal origin. If extracted from Zabiha animal, it is Halal.
Diglyceride: Emulsifier. If of animal origin it should be suspected till the source is known.
Gelatin (Jello Gelatin): Usually of animal origin, mostly from pig. If extracted from a dhabiha animal, then it is halal/
Glycerol (Glycerine): It could be of animal, plant or Glyceryl-Stearate synthetic origin. If animal source is used, it is suspected.
Hormones: Usually animal hormones are used for human consumption. One has to find out the source before passing a judgement.
Lard: Fat from swine particulaly found in the abdominal cavity. Totally Haram for us.
Magnesium Stearate (stearic acid): Used as an active ingredient in medicine tablets. Haram when derived from animal source.
Mono Glycerides: When derived from animal source. (Halal when the source is plant).
Pepsin: A digestive enzyme mostly from pig stomach.
Rennin (Rennet): A protein Enzyme. Usually not labeled. (In most cheeses).
Shortening: Fats and oils of animal origin. Animal/Lard
Vanilla: Extracted using alcohol.
Vitamins: Haram when from animal source. Mostly the source is synthetic or plant and are Halal.
Whey: Used in ice creams and yogurt. Haram when from animal source.
S/N Name of Ingredients Code No Brief Description
Antioxidants: Chemical compounds used to protect certain food components from being destroyed or lost through oxidation.
Ascorbic acid: Vitamin C.
Benzoate (Benzoic acid): Benzoic acid and sodium benzoate are used for food preservation.
Biotin: A member of the B complex vitamins.
BHA: An antioxidant, preservative.
BHT: An antioxidant, preservative.
Citric acid: Sources are plant, usually of the citrus family. (e.g. orange, lime, lemon).
Cobalamine: Synthetically prepared Vitamin B12.
Dextrin: An emulsifying, sizing, and thickening agent.
Fiber: Sources are plant. Provide roughage to diet.
Fructose: Fruit sugar.
Gliadin (Gluten): Ptotein found in wheat and rye.
Hydrogenated oil: Vegetable oil being hydrogenated making it solid at room temperature.
Iodine: A nutrient for thyroid gland.
Lecithin: Emulsifier of fat. In the USA, sources are mainly soyabean and egg yolk.
Lipids : Essential fatty acids found in fish, plant and animals. If source is animal; it is suspected.
Malt: A kind of fermented grain.
Molasses: Syrup liquid obtained in refining sugar.
MSG: Flavoring. Imparts meat flavor to foods.
Niacin: One of the B complex vitamins.
PABA: A food supplement.
Pectin: A gelatinous substance extracted from fruits.
Propionic acid: A preservative.
Riboflavin: One of the B complex vitamins. Usually the source is synthetic.
Pure vegetable shortening: Source of this kind of shortening is plant.
100% vegetable shortening: Source of this kind of shortening is plant.
Sweetener: Substance that gives a sweet taste.
Thiamin: One of the B complex vitamins.
Vanillin: Flavoring agent, extracted from vanilla.
Vitamin A: If source are plant and synthetic, it is halal.
Vitamin C: Natural sources are from plant. (e.g. citrus fruit, tomatoes, etc).
Vitamin D: Natural sources are yeast and fish liver oil. Also synthetically produced.
Vitamin E: Rich sources of Vitamin E are vegetable oils. When source is synthetic, it is halal. If source is animal, it is suspected.
Water: The nutrient most vital to man's existence.
Food yeast: Microscopic, unicellular, fungal plant used for fermentation process and in baking bread.
Photo Attribution: "Weizen2" by Dako99 - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Weizen2.jpg#mediaviewer/File:Weizen2.jpg
Are the following pharmaceutical products halal?1. Viagra2.Cialis3.contraceptive pills
I agree with Mr. Mohsin from Rawalpindi and would suggest that this list should be reviwed for some items like lecithine, malt & MSG.Many thanks
this was REAL good but i think one thing has left over which is 'lactose' i still didn't get any authentic information about it,plz help us to find this information,ALLAH will give you the reward and we will sure appreciate your help JAZAKALLAH
you write wrong about many items in your halal sectionfirst lecithin is haram only soya lecithin is halal correct it.second malt in pakistan we found that they mix alcohol so why you write it halal.third MSG comes from animals bones in procedure of boiling them and it mostly comes from china cuze in pakistan butcher almost sell all bones you with meat.fourth yeast the left over of beer extraction is called yeast so dear consider what you are write
I'm wondering if someone can help me: I'm an academic carrying out research concerning food anxieties and recently facilitated a focus group discussion with some Somali women living in the UK. We were discussing waste and food that has gone 'out of date' and someone brought up the notion of 'haram'. The discussion got a bit confused as they were all talking at the same time, some in English and some in Somali, so I was wondering if someone could clarify something for me: I understand from the information provided here that 'haram' refers to food which is 'unlawful', but were my informants suggesting that to eat food which is out of date is haram, or that it is haram to waste food?? Many thanks.
thank you for creating this website!it helped me alot and will hopefully encourage others!!!
the imformation was very helpful. may allah bless you.
Wow your page helped me LOTS and im sure it helped lots of other people 2!!!!!THANKS!!
Thanks to Allah, who motivated you to do this
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