Little Bear, the main character in The Luckiest Child: Becoming a Blended Family, is worried and sad about what Papa Bear announced during dinner one night. There was a new addition coming to their small family – a step-mama Bear!
As humans, it is natural to yearn for respect, compassion, justice, honesty and all other things which give us a sense of validation, but when it comes to giving, we do not realize how stingy we stand out to be.
There is no way to overemphasize this important fact – as a parent you are your child’s first teacher. In this role there are huge responsibilities and plenty of opportunities. There are five significant ways every parent can help children improve their social skills.
The stress and grief a concerned Muslim youth experiences at the spiritual and moral state of their parents is only natural. Before we embark on a ‘crusade to save’ our parents, let’s consider these tips.
We all have a responsibility to those that have raised us and cared for us that even at a young age we must acknowledge. While it is easy to get caught up with selfish concerns we must remember our obligations.
The next time you have an argument with your parents, really try to talk to them, and understand that, from their perspective, not only do they want to protect you, but they have the duty to guide you.