If you are a Muslim parent, chances are that you have experienced an embarrassing moment with one or more of your children at the masjid. Perhaps you took your toddler to Jummuah prayer, a community event, or a lecture.
It’s October! Beautiful fall leaves, pumpkin-spiced everything, a nip in the air, and hoodies and sweaters out of storage bring warm thoughts and cozy memories. But the air is filled with challenges, too.
When I think of skills that are important for life, communication is at the front of the line. I don’t just mean knowing how to string letters together to make words or even knowing how to spell those words correctly, though both of these definitely have their place and value.
Are you a parent looking to find ways to balance your career and/or studies with family life? Or perhaps you are concerned that the work you do does not align with your Islamic morals?
In a fast paced world, with magnified desires to attain success and make money, it is becoming increasingly challenging for Muslims to remain focused on making meaningful career choices which serve greater benefits in terms of earning a halal income as well as generating reward for the Hereafter.
When it comes to parenting, it is the mothers who naturally receive compliments and criticism, alike. Fathers on the other hand, often get over-shadowed for the role that they play. In Islam, there is great emphasis on the status of fathers.
A boy holds a hand mirror up to his face to see a large, shining zit smiling back at him from his forehead. A second boy looks confused as he questions his body shape in comparison with the male bodies he sees in movies and magazines.