We have all, at some level, as individuals, been touched by the tragedy of 9/11. It has shocked, surprised, hurt and devastated us. Some may have even wanted to turn to despair. But dua for humanity, is a way out of these negative feelings.
It is a time of sadness, but also one of hope. Prayer is a wonderful way to heal hearts and look towards the future. In Arabic, the term Dua refers to supplication to God. Dua is a beautiful method of connecting with the Creator.
We can all share horror stories of harassment and abuse as a community. While reporting is important, it can't be done in a haphazard fashion. It has to be done carefully. Here are some tips that can help.
A phone tree is a group of people who contact each other to convey a message in an organized way. Instead of 1 person contacting 50 people, one person contacts two other people, who then each contact two other people, and so on.
Different churches are speaking out for peace. Among those churches is the Episcopalian church. Below is an interview with the leader of the Episcopalian Church in the United States, Bishop Frank Griswold.
The playground stands bare and empty. Wind blows across the space where little children until recently chased, skipped and played. The gates of the first government-funded Muslim school in the UK were closed last week for two reasons: respect and caution.