Has our strategy for fighting the scourge of terrorism given us the ultimate result: safety, peace and security somewhat reminiscent of our lives pre-9/11? We are currently spending billions of taxpayer dollars to hunt down terrorists around the world in the interest of our safety. But are we dealing with the symptoms or the disease itself?
Today more than at any other point in our history, each and every Muslim will be viewed by people as a representative of Islam. How we conduct ourselves will have a direct impact on how people think about our beliefs and values.
Please send this letter, making necessary adjustments, to your child's school principal. May Allah keep all children safe and healthy so they can make this world a better place.
Apart from the possible media attacks on Muslims, there could very well be harassment and violence on the part of some Americans. Regardless of how much we may explain, the bottom line is, Muslims will have to bear the brunt of the emotions that run high when such tragic incidents happen, even if they are innocent.
It is important that children's safety is addressed by Muslim organizations as well in these days following the horrific terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. If you are not a leader, get your Masjid or community center to write a letter like this on their letterhead and mail it to the address of school you provide them.
In the face of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States, Muslims need to be informed, aware and pro-active when dealing with the American media, which, in the past, has linked all Muslims to terrorism when similar incidents have taken place.
The first phase of the US `war on terrorism will likely be the attempted overthrow of the Taliban regime, which currently rules 90% of Afghanistan. Washington is massing powerful strike forces around Afghanistan and has unleashed a fierce propaganda offensive against Taliban.