Since September 11, Sound Vision has received numerous e-mails from Muslims and non-Muslims about the event, especially in response to the updates we sent out in response to the horrible tragedy. Some reactions were both good, others were bad. Here is a sampling of these e-mails.
Remember Margaret Mead’s guiding principle—"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever has."
Did the United States go to war with Afghanistan for Central Asian oil and gas? That's what many readers keep asking me. They clearly distrust the White House's jingoistic bombast about defending freedom and western values from evil Islamists. The answer is no, and yes.
How do you describe peace? Can you feel at peace if you feel threatened? No. True peace comes from a sense of security. What better source of peace and security is there besides Allah? To fear is human, but we cannot internalize it and lock ourselves up in our homes.
The terrorists responsible for this attack were not even faithfully practicing the Islam religion, and therefore should not even be allowed to call themselves by this name. It is confusing to people.
Islamic Social Services Association USA and Canada (ISSA) has developed a guide for Muslim communities, Health care professionals, teachers, Mental Health professionals, Social Workers and Imams so they can respond to the critical needs of the community in an organized, professional, and consistent manner.
As I watched the World Trade Center come down, I was horrified to see the panic of those who were fleeing death. I know that they will relive this event again and again in their nightmares for the rest of their lives. We share a common bond - the bond of nightmares.