Keeping Islamic etiquette when it comes to our parents or seniors is hard in a culture that's becoming increasingly rude and dog-eat-dog. Here are five tips that can help dealing with elders.
These are a series of excerpts from Abdul Wahid Hamid's book "Islam: The Natural Way", an excellent guide to the Islamic worldview and lifestyle, particularly for Muslims born and/or raised in Western countries.
As long as our children are in the public school, Islamic education will take a back seat. However, we must do everything we can to minimize the harm of the public schools and to maximize the opportunities for Islamic education.
Ever seen the sister or brother, who was the life of Muslim activities, projects, meetings, lectures, bazaars, conferences, conventions and parties....suddenly fade and disappear from the Muslim scene?
As most people do, I turned to Allah and Islam during the hard times of my life. It's a sad fact of life. When times are happy and life is good, no one feels obliged to turn towards his or her Deen (religion).
As I work toward better control here is surah for Diabetes in Hadith: "the likeness of the one who remembers his Lord and the one who does not remember Him is like that of a living to a dead person" (Bukhari). If I forget my health, I die. If I forget Allah, I am already dead.
Amid horror stories of youth, Muslim and non-Muslim, checking out websites filled with pornographic material, and generally using the internet negatively, bright spots can be found.