When tragic or violent events occur, parents may wonder about how to help their kids understand the graphic images and emotional video footage that they may see. Stephanie Marcy, PhD, psychologist at Children's Hospital Los angeles suggests a few guidelines to keep in mind so parents can be better equipped to help their children handle scary news.
It is so important that all stakeholders in the Muslim community, parents, teachers, Imams and Muslim artists be aware of mental health issues, understand the phenomenon, and make an effort to deal with it.
With Ramadan falling during final exams this year, a number of students and their parents are in a tizzy. How can we study efficiently and effectively while fasting during the day and praying late into the night?
It can be easy to lash out all this negativity and stress to people around you. But life would get more miserable and you will not be happy. It is your choice on how to deal with this turbulent situation. Do you want to see the glass half empty or half full?
Apart from common stressors among all youth ranging from family problems to bullying, we have to consider that young Muslims today are facing more anti-Muslim feeling than in the past. These tips can help relieve some of the symptoms of stress.
Negativity and pessimism engulf us today. It’s like air we breathe. Throughout the day, you are bombarded with anxieties. It’s easy to become depressed, and lose sight of the bigger picture.